About Us
The 50 States, 50 Conductors project is about this:
Interviewing 50 orchestra conductors from across the USA.
What's the goal?
Composers serving the needs of orchestras better around the United States.
Unfortunately, there is often a divide between the goals of composers and conductors.
There doesn’t have to be that divide!
Composers aren’t compromising their art by understanding the needs of their musicians.
If composers could support the needs of orchestras, it would be a win-win situation for everyone.
My goal is to have students learn the best ways to write an orchestra piece, and the best ways to work with a conductor.
Here are the conductors interviewed thus far.
I am slowly sending out emails to conductors over the next year.
Georgia-Timothy Verville
Idaho-Ruth Adair Boden
Michigan-Andrew Neer
Minnesota-James Chang
Missippi-William Walker
Montana-Allan R. Scott
North Carolina-Peter Askvim
North Dakota-Alejandro Drago
Oklahoma-Kaleb Benda
Oregon-Michael Gesme